Who We Are

At our core, we are genetic counselors. We understand the world of clinical genetics from the inside out. We're skilled at working with doctors, nurses, patients, payers, laboratory directors, and product teams - but we don't stop there.

Along the way, we have also become writers, educators, project managers, business strategists, and problem solvers. We're expert translators of the languages of medicine, business, and technology, and we like nothing better than to facilitate efficient communication among these stakeholders.

Our team has rich and varied experience in laboratory support, policy development, market research, personalized medicine, and creating mobile- and web-based genomics tools.

Most importantly, we have connected with some of the brightest and most capable folks in the industry throughout our careers. If we can't do it ourselves, we know who can.

Figuring out the most effective and efficient ways to use genomic information in medicine is what lights us up.

Let us help you make the connections.